Wednesday, March 28, 2012



  (Sun,The Key of Life)


  (Solar System )

Order of the planets in terms of distance from the sun

  •   Sun is the closest star to Earth and belongs to the family star dwarf yellow and the sun represent 99% of the mass of the solar system are all scientists estimated age tends four and a half billion years when the presence nebula of gas consisting mostly of hydrogen taken in the positioning and rotation around itself a generator of energy and pressure of caffeine for the integration of atoms hydrogen announcing the start of the birth of the star, scientists estimated, according to the amount of hydrogen remaining that the remaining life of the Sun about five billion years only expand later to become a red giant swallows orbits the planet, which revolve around it and then begin to decay and contraction to reach the white dwarf much smaller than its current size and then to dwarf black then, but these shifts and changes take billions of years from one stage to another, nor knows the unseen except Allah, but these assumptions scientifically based on the calculation assumptions and the possibilities of sports not only, and may be assumptions incorrect or incomplete, you may receive other new theories of change and amend the current theories.
  • There is the sun in one of the arms of the Milky Way, and away from the center of the galaxy about 30 thousand light-years belong the sun to mobilize stars small and open component of 140 star almost spin the sun around the center of the galaxy every 250 million years ago, as the sun movement, the other perpendicular to its orbit around the center of the galaxy and do one shock every 28 million years.

  •  The estimated mass of the sun at about 1990 trillion trillion tonnes - a trillion equals a million million - that is 330.000 times the mass of the earth, a force sufficient to create attractive enough to keep the solar system entirely, and away from the earth a distance of 149.600 kilometers (93 million miles) away from the nearest star with a distance of 4.3 light-years.

  •   Temperature of the sun at its center 14 million degrees Celsius on the surface of about 5.500 ° C. The sunspots are less heat are estimated at 4.000 ° C. The speed of the solar wind 3 million miles per hour and estimated solar radiation or solar power generated by about 390 billion one billion megawatts, and lose solar radiation of about ten million tons every second of the article, and lose 600 million tons every second article of the nuclear interactions in his heart.

Sun Gallery



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