Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our Planet (Earth)

Our Planet

Earth Planet

Average distance from the sun
 150million miles
Planet's diameter
12.756  km
Astronomical period of rotation around the same
23.9345   hour


  • Third planet of the solar planets, which is the only planet of planets within the group, which supports life and is available in which all ways of life, with an estimated age of the Earth about 4.5 billion years.

  • Scientists estimate that the first inhabitants of the land objects minutes ago about 3.5 to 3.9 billion years and started in the water first thing started, and the first life on Earth began with plants simple it was from 430 million years old, followed by dinosaurs then about 225 million years, while the man say that he old on the ground about one million years and there are many differences and I know God was the earth's atmosphere at the beginning containing carbon dioxide for the most part, but now it is the nitrogen and oxygen.
  • Moving ground speed 108.000 miles per hour and is located at a distance of an average from the sun is estimated at 150 million kilometers (93.2 million miles), take the earth 365.256 days to orbit around the Sun and 23.9345 hours for a spin around itself, has a diameter of 12.756 km of at the equator, only a few hundreds of kilometers larger than Venus, the Earth's atmosphere consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% other gases, and the tendency of its axis with a 23.45 degree and speed to escape the tropical is 11.18 km / s and the average surface temperature 15 ° and atmospheric pressure is equivalent to 1.013 bar.
  • Earth is the only planet in the solar system which houses life cycle of our planet's rapid and center of the earth from the nickel-iron liquid causes the magnetic field enveloping the planet, which, along with atmospheric protection from cosmic radiation harmful that you send the sun and other stars, and the Earth's atmosphere protects us from meteors , most of which destroys the result of friction before he could strike the earth's surface.
  • Earth's atmosphere is a layer of gas is composed of a mixture of gas and takes the globe and maintained by Earth's gravity from oneself to the vast space, and consists of a mixture gas of this mostly of nitrogen gas, which represents about 78%, followed by oxygen gas by 21% and other gases such as argon and carbon dioxide carbon and water vapor, hydrogen, helium, neon and xenon.
    • That is the atmosphere of utmost importance for the land it provides a good environment for life as provide living creatures with air necessary for breathing, and is a protective shield them protect the inhabitants of this planet from cosmic radiation harmful, especially ultraviolet light, as it regulates the spread of the light properly and allows the entry into force of visible radiation, infrared red and other rays thermal and photovoltaic from the sun and absorbed by the Earth, which provides warmth and distribution of suitable temperature, if there is no envelope air to temperatures exceed 200 ° C, and protected also from meteorites and comets where disintegrate most of them before reaching the surface of the ground caused by inadvertent contact with air and combustion , and it is the medium in which it moves and sounds and there is no air there was silence and calm on the surface of the earth scary.

    Some selected images of our planet Earth



















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